Facility Preparedness

Why Facility Preparedness is Important
What is Facility Preparedness?

A lifeguard will only be set up for success if the facility is also prepared to respond to any incident that may occur. The equipment that you have available in the event of an incident, and whether or not it is accessible and in good working condition, will be critical to their response and providing on-deck care. Below are items that Redwoods recommends, but please reference your training bodies, and local code, for equipment that will be required at your pool or waterfront.

  • AED
  • Oxygen
  • Emergency Response Notification System
  • First Aid Kit
  • Backboard

AED & Oxygen Example
As seen in this photo, the facility has stored their AED and oxygen together. This helps ensure that both are brought to the scene of an emergency. 

Emergency Equipment Example
As seen in this photo, the facility has an emergency button directly on the pool deck, and close to other critical emergency equipment. No matter what your system is, it is important that you have something that can alert others that an emergency is occurring.  

Tips & Tricks for Facility Preparedness

Below are tips and tricks for getting your facility prepared.

Steps You Can Take

After reading through “Facility Preparedness,” ask yourself the following questions:

  • Am I confident that all of my lifeguards and staff know where our equipment is?
  • When was the last time our equipment was checked to make sure it was properly working and not expired?
  • When was the last time we rehearsed our emergency action plan from start to finish (identification, response, extrication, on-deck care, etc.)?
  • Am I confident that staff would bring all necessary equipment to an emergency and would know how to properly use it?

If you are not confident in any of your answers today, make a plan on how and when you will address these gaps.

Key Links & Resources

AEDs and Oxygen in the Aquatic Environment
Read this resource for additional recommendations and considerations when using AEDs and oxygen in the aquatic environment. 

AED Inspection Log
This tool will provide you with a way to stay on top of maintenance and supply issues by regularly inspecting your AED. 

Safety Sound Bite: Utilizing Oxygen in a Medical or Aquatic Event
In this Safety Sound Bite, we discuss how critical it is for organizations to have oxygen on-site in the event of an aquatic event. 

Lifeguard Preparedness
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