New Online Trainings: Defensive Driving & Hazard Communication
We are excited to share two new online trainings for your staff, Defensive Driving and Hazard Communication. While we have previously offered third-party trainings on these topics, these new versions were produced by Redwoods, and are specialized for youth-serving organizations like yours.
Below we have included a brief course description for these trainings:
Defensive Driving

When you are driving for your organization, it is critical that you keep yourself, the kids you are transporting, and everyone on the road safe. This course will teach you the essential skills, knowledge, and proactive strategies you need to navigate the roads safely. Through real-life examples and situations, you’ll learn how to prevent distracted driving, combat aggressive drivers, and safely drive in poor weather conditions.
Hazard Communication

You have the right to know how to keep yourself, and those around you safe when working with chemicals in your youth-serving organization. This course will teach you all of the communication methods and resources that are available to you before you handle chemicals in your workplace. You’ll learn how to read and understand chemical labels, pictograms, and Safety Data Sheets.
Visit to create your account and watch these trainings today.