Title: Chief Marketing Officer
Office Phone: (919) 462-9730 x64719
Email Address: sdauchert@redwoodsgroup.com
Favorite Charity: American Diabetes Association
Favorite Youth Programming Area: Youth Development
Interests: Running, Photography, Homebrewing
Executive Bio:
Stephen Dauchert is the Chief Marketing Officer at The Redwoods Group. Stephen earned his Master’s in Business Administration from Duke University and his Bachelor’s in Spanish from University of Georgia. He has over fourteen years experience in marketing from his time with The Redwoods Group. Stephen is on the board of Prevent Child Abuse North Carolina, and acting as the Chairman of the Philanthropy Committee. He is also a Campaign Volunteer for the YMCA of the Triangle, a Staff Parish Chairman at St. Marks United Methodist Church, and is a Certified Trainer for Darkness to Light. He lives in Raleigh with his wife, Leigh, and three children, Sibyl, and identical twins Margaret and Elizabeth.