New Online Trainings
At Redwoods, we create online trainings designed specifically for youth-serving organizations. Over the past two years, we have identified and developed many new trainings aimed at educating your staff on how they can keep themselves and others safe. Read more about each of these trainings below.
These trainings—along with all our other trainings—are available to everyone regardless of who your organization purchases insurance from. Log in, or create a new account, to begin now.
Managing Your Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens
Released in May 2024

This training will equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to keep yourself and others safe in the workplace from bloodborne pathogens. Through interactive modules and real-world scenarios, we will walk you through our AIR model—Awareness, Implementation, and Response. You will learn what bloodborne pathogens are, practical steps you can take to minimize the risks, and how to respond if you do come into contact with blood.
Sexual Harassment Prevention
Released in February 2024

Your youth-serving organization can only achieve its mission if all employees are safe and respected in the workplace. Sexual harassment of all kinds is not just illegal, but it is also a threat to the well-being of all staff and the culture of safety at your organization. This training will empower and equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary not only to prevent but also to confidently address instances of sexual harassment within your youth-serving organization.
Defensive Driving
Released in August 2023

When you are driving for your organization, it is critical that you keep yourself, the kids you are transporting, and everyone on the road safe. This course will teach you the essential skills, knowledge, and proactive strategies you need to navigate the roads safely. Through real-life examples and situations, you’ll learn how to prevent distracted driving, combat aggressive drivers, and safely drive in poor weather conditions.
Hazard Communication
Released in August 2023

You have the right to know how to keep yourself, and those around you safe when working with chemicals in your youth-serving organization. This course will teach you all of the communication methods and resources that are available to you before you handle chemicals in your workplace. You’ll learn how to read and understand chemical labels, pictograms, and Safety Data Sheets.
The Professional Lifeguard
Released in April 2023

The expectation of lifeguards is to make decisions—the right decisions—within seconds. Any denial, disbelief or delay could be the difference between life and death. This course will teach you the reality of guarding and better prepare you to be successful in your role. You’ll learn the core expectations of every guard, and the most important attributes you need to execute in order to be a confident and prepared professional lifeguard.