Online Billing FAQ

Q: Am I eligible to participate in online electronic payment processing?
A: If you are a direct billed customer, meaning you make payments directly to Redwoods, then yes you are eligible to participate in the online bill pay. If you typically make payments via your broker or insurance agent (agency bill), then we cannot accept online payments from you at this time.

Q: What payment options are available?
A: Currently we accept both one-time payments and recurring payments. You can pay via ACH (e-check) ($225,000) or credit card ($5,000). Mastercard, Visa and Discover are accepted. Your bank and card details can be saved for future use.

Q: Do I need any special hardware or software to sign-up for electronic payment services?
A:  Payment Portal supports the latest versions of browsers and operating systems.  We recommend using the following for an optimal experience:

  • Windows: Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge
  • Mac OS: Chrome, Firefox, Safari
  • iOS: Chrome, Safari
  • Android: Chrome, Firefox

Q: What information do I need to register?
A: You can self-register on the portal using either your account # and mailing zip code OR one of your policy numbers, effective date, and mailing zip code. Your most recent invoice will have this information.

Q: What name will I see on our bank/credit card statement?
A: Your bank will show a deduction from Redwoods/US Fire Insurance.

Q: How am I billed for this service?
A: There is no cost for enrolling in and using this payment site.

Q: How far in advance of the due date should I make my payment?
A: We suggest that you make your payment at least two business days before the actual payment due date.

Q: What is a Digital Wallet?
A: You can store a virtual version of an eCheck or your credit cards information in a secure environment.

Q: When is my non-recurring payment processed?
A: Payments will be processed immediately, however, there may be a delay when the funds are deducted.

Q: Will I receive a confirmation of my payment?
A: Yes, once you have successfully processed your transaction, a confirmation number will be available for you to print or email to yourself.

Q: Can I change my billing address via the Pay Portal?
A: No, all changes must be submitted through your insurance agent/broker.

Q: How do I contact the Billing Department:
A: Email: or Phone: (844)217-7388.

Q: Can there be multiple log-ins for this system?
A: Yes, you can set up additional users for your account.

Q: Can I pay more than what I am billed to pay ahead?
A: Yes, you can, as long as it does not go over $225,000 for ACH (E-check) and $5,000 for credit card.