Chemical Safety

COVID-19 has caused every organization to think about cleaning and chemicals in a new way. This often included the introduction of chemicals that may not have been used at an organization before. As the COIVD-19 exposure continues, it is important that all Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are up to date with current practices.

Below are a few things to consider:

Chemical Inventory List
Update your SDS Manual and your chemical inventory list within the SDS Manual to reflect any chemical that was added as a result of COVID-19’s new policies and procedures.

Due to the fact that things continue to change, link the CDC’s approved chemical list in your SDS Manual so that it is easier to keep track of new updates. Additionally, make sure that you are dating the changes you are making.

Update Job Descriptions
If employees are now responsible for cleaning and using chemicals, update all job descriptions to reflect the following things:
  • New chemical handling requirements
  • Employee’s need to wear personal protective equipment including masks, gloves, etc.
  • The importance of following all safety policies and procedures and basic safety guidance, both verbal or written
Educate Staff
When introducing new chemicals, make sure that all staff are educated on the following:
  • The intended purpose of the chemical
  • The proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to use when handling the chemical
  • How to mitigate the exposure of the chemical
  • The correct location and procedures for storing the chemical
  • The correct way to dispose of the chemical
Additionally, remind staff of where your organization keeps the SDS manual. This will ensure that anyone coming in to contact with chemicals at your organization is easily able to locate important information when they need it.