Off-Site Aquatic Assessment: Questions to Consider

When picking out a venue to host off-site aquatic programming, we suggest that you go visit it in-person first. Below, we’ve created a list of specific questions that you can ask the location/facility. We encourage you to download and print the document above to use when vetting a potential off-site location.

Age & Skill 

  • Are the facilities’ activities age and skill-level appropriate?
  • Is the deep end clearly marked with a float rope or other demarcation?

Lifeguard Availability & Training 

  • Are there certified lifeguards at the facility?
  • Are there enough certified lifeguards to effectively guard all activities and areas of the water?
  • Do the lifeguards go through regular in-service training?
  • Are the lifeguards properly positioned to see all areas of the water?
  • Are any special elements (slides, etc.) properly guarded and supervised?


  • What are the facilities’ safety-response mechanisms?
  • Does the facility have the proper equipment needed in the event of an emergency? (First aid stations, AED, oxygen, rescue tubes, etc.)

Swim Testing

  • Does the facility swim test? If not, can we perform that upon arrival?
  • Does the facility have enough life jackets of appropriate sizes for the youth in our programs? If not, can we bring our own?

Contractual Considerations 

  • Will we be able to have a strong, comprehensive contract with the facility?
  • Will the contract provide favorable risk transfer/indemnification?