Club External Safety Assessment

As you and your team undergo BGCA’s External Safety Assessment, Redwoods is here to support you. Below we have compiled our resources that align with the various standards you will be evaluated on.

Organization Level Assessment

Executive Leadership (SC)

Assessment ID Assessment Standard Redwoods Resources
SC-101b The Board-led Safety Committee actively participates in the following activities:

  • Reviews the organization’s safety policies and makes recommendations for board-approval
  • Verifies the organization’s submission of an annual online safety assessment
  • Reviews safety assessments results and implement solutions
SC-102a The Safety Committee conducts and documents annual facility assessments at a representative number of Club sites each year, identifying safety needs and areas for improvement.

Policies (P)

Assessment ID Assessment Standard Redwoods Resources
P-101a The child abuse prevention and response policy meet BGCA membership requirements, which includes criteria for staff-to child ratios and prohibition of private one-on-one interactions between youth and staff, volunteers, and board members.
P-102a The drug and alcohol-free workplace policy meets BGCA membership requirements, which includes criteria for smoking in the workplace, reasonable suspicion, inspection and testing, prescription medication and legal drugs.
P-103a The facilities and restrooms policy meets BGCA membership requirements, which includes criteria for dedicated restroom facilities for staff and youth, use of signage and any other restrictions.
P-104a The transportation policy meets BGCA membership requirements, which includes criteria for transporting youth in Club vehicles or other vehicles approved by Club leadership, such as drivers, vehicle inspection and maintenance, shared-use restrooms, and accident/emergency protocol.
P-104c Club drivers are qualified based on a set of safety criteria and complete applicable driving skills and knowledge tests before assignment.


The technology acceptable use policy meets BGCA membership requirements, including criteria for the prohibition of inappropriate technology-based interactions between youth and staff, volunteers, board members and other youth during and after Club hours.


The incident reporting and investigation policy meets BGCA membership requirements, including criteria for local reporting to law enforcement and/or child protective services and reporting critical incidents to BGCA within 24 hours.


Safety policies are provided to parents/guardians upon receiving a membership application.

P-108a The screening and onboarding policy meets BGCA membership requirements, including criteria for performing criminal background checks, applying background check findings, and applying reference checks. The policy outlines specific criminal charges and/or convictions which prohibit employment and/or volunteerism.
P-110a The youth workers (minors) serve as employees’ policy and procedures meet BGCA membership requirements, including criteria and procedures for clearly defining the scope of how youth workers (minors) serve as employees, volunteers, or work-based learning participants in the Club.
P-111a A video surveillance policy is documented where security cameras are in use. The policy includes who can view video and how long video data is stored.

Compliance with Safety Laws (CMP)

Assessment ID Assessment Standard Redwoods Resources
CMP-100a Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and other required posters are displayed in a prominent location.


Unless exempt by SIC code, OSHA 300 logs are maintained, and annual summaries are posted, as required.

Background Checks (BC)

Assessment ID Assessment Standard Redwoods Resources
BC-102a Reference checks are conducted on any potential candidate for employment candidate or potential volunteer with direct, repetitive interaction with young people. Reference checks must include and inquiry of previous Club experience and the candidate’s eligibility for rehire/volunteering prior to extending an offer for employment or volunteer service.

Safety Training (TR)

Assessment ID Assessment Standard Redwoods Resources


BGCA-approved child abuse prevention training for all staff members and volunteers with direct, repetitive interaction with young people is completed and documented before they can provide services to young people. Annual training is completed and documented thereafter. (Phase 3 effective 1/1/2024)


BGCA-approved mandated reporting training for all staff members and volunteers with direct, repetitive interaction with young people is completed and documented before they can provide services to young people. Annual training is completed and documented thereafter. (Phase 3 effective 1/1/2024)


BGCA-approved grooming (manipulation) prevention training for all staff members and volunteers with direct, repetitive interaction with young people is completed and documented before they can provide services to young people. Annual training is completed and documented thereafter. (Phase 3 effective 1/1/2024)

Site Level Assessment

Staff Practices (SVP)

Assessment ID Assessment Standard Redwoods Resources
SVP-200a Club staff has an effective process to monitor and track everyone who is in the facility.
SVP-201a Club staff understand their role and follow requirements for reporting safety-related incidents and suspected child abuse.
SVP-206a  Transitions between activities and program areas or spaces are structured with adherence to safety.
SVP-207a Club staff and volunteers maintain appropriate physical/verbal interactions with youth.
SVP-208a Club staff are actively monitoring and supervising youth.
SVP-209a No one-on-one interaction (private contact) between youth and staff or adult volunteers, including board members.
SVP-2010a “Red flag” safety concerns are reported to Club leaders.
SVP-2011a Required safety practices are followed when using technology.
SVP-2012a Club members complete a BGCA-provided digital citizenship and technology safety training annually.
SVP-2013a Rules and/or Group Agreements are posted in program spaces and reviewed with members on a regular basis.

Security (SEC)

Assessment ID Assessment Standard Redwoods Resources
SEC-201a Effective measures are in place to control, monitor and prevent unauthorized site entrance.
SEC-203a Exterior doors are monitored and/or alarmed to alert staff of unauthorized entry or exit.
SEC-203a Exterior doors can be easily closed and locked to prevent unauthorized access.
SEC-210a Video surveillance system is operational and positioned appropriately.
SEC-213a Parking lots, sidewalks, and building perimeter are in good condition and well lit.

Facility Safety (FS)

Assessment ID Assessment Standard Redwoods Resources
FS-201a Electrical panels, outlets, and switches are properly maintained and free from damage.
FS-203a Floors are even, secure, and free from slip/trip hazards.
FS-207a Chemicals are stored, labeled, and segregated from other materials and supplies.

Restrooms and Locker Rooms (R)

Assessment ID Assessment Standard Redwoods Resources
R-201a Adults-only and youth-only restrooms are clearly identifiable, or procedures are in place to prevent shared-use by adults and youth.
R-202a Club staff have effective restroom/locker room safety procedures.
R-203a Club staff monitor youth restrooms during operations via line of sight and/or sound from the restroom doorway or hallway.
R-205a Restrooms are single user or if multi-user, include single stalls with lockable doors. Staff restrooms are locked and only accessible by staff.
R-207a Club staff regularly monitor youth locker rooms during Club operations and are locked when not in use.

Emergency and Evacuation (EMG)

Assessment ID Assessment Standard Redwoods Resources
EMG-201a Evacuation and emergency procedures with emergency evacuation route maps are posted in plain view in all program spaces and common areas.
EMG-204a There is a communication system to alert all staff, volunteers and members in case of an emergency or drill (e.g. fire, severe weather, lock-down, etc.).
EMG-208a Automated External Defibrillator(s) (AED) and supplies are routinely inspected and maintained in proper working order. Club staff are trained on its use.
EMG-210a Exit signs and emergency lighting are functional and in good condition.

Sports and Outdoor Recreation (GY)

Assessment ID Assessment Standard Redwoods Resources
GY-205a Club staff has an effective annual inspection and preventive maintenance program to check the operational safety and condition of gym/sports equipment.
GY-206a Outdoor fields, courts, picnic tables and play areas are maintained and inspected by Club staff prior to daily use.
GY-207a Playgrounds and playground structures are observed in good condition and routinely maintained, with 8-12 inches of landscape or rubber mulch to prevent injuries.

Aquatic Safety (SP)

Assessment ID Assessment Standard Redwoods Resources
SP-206a A documented Aquatic Safety Plan is followed.
SP-207a Swim areas are staffed by rescue-ready lifeguards and water watchers.
SP-211a A swim assessment program identifies swimmers by swim ability.
SP-213a Aquatic emergency response drills are conducted on a quarterly basis.

Transportation (TR)

Assessment ID Assessment Standard Redwoods Resources
TR-201a Vehicles are maintained in a safe operating condition with required safety equipment onboard.
TR-202a Drivers are qualified to operate assigned vehicles and can demonstrate proficiency with respect to pre-trip safety inspections and defensive driving techniques.
TR-203a Drivers follow child safety transportation practices, always including supervision during transit and accounting for each member’s whereabouts.